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Mama's Year with Cancer Book Drive

If you haven't heard yet, our beautiful, charitable friend, Shayna Vincent, has a book coming out on September 7th, 2023. The book is called "Mama's Year with Cancer." In the spirit of Shayna's charitable heart, we're raising money to donate copies of her book to hospitals, schools, charities, and other organizations that have impacted Shayna's life and others navigating cancer with young children. 


Each book costs $18.99 on Amazon. Check it out here if you'd like to purchase your own copy! We will be taking Venmo donations through the end of July.


We want this to be a surprise for Shayna and Devon, please do not mention this to them. 

How to Donate

Click or scan this QR Code to link to Nikki's Venmo (@nikkinandrasy)


Input the amount you'd like to donate. In the subject line, put "Your Name - Shayna's Book" so we know whom the donation came from. We'll be featuring donor names on a gift for Shayna.


If you wish to remain anonymous, please put anonymous in the subject.


Keep in mind: each book is $18.99 so a $20 donation will buy one book


If you have any questions about donating, please email Nikki Nandrasy at or Sam Jones at

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